Welcome to the Lambda-Man course. It was the year 2014, and many members of our community worked hard to control Lambda-Man. Now, ten years later, this wonderful event is still memorized by holding a small Lambda-Man competition. This course will teach you how to optimally control Lambda-Man to eat all pills. There is no fruit involved (neither low-hanging nor high-hanging), and even better: no ghosts! The input to each problem is a simple rectangular grid such as the following: ``` ###.#... ...L..## .####### ``` The grid contains exactly one `L` character, which is the starting position of Lambda-Man. There will be one or more `.` characters indicating the locations of pills to be eaten, and `#` characters are walls. The outside boundary of the grid is considered to consist of walls as well. A solution should be a string of `U`, `R`, `D` and `L` characters (up, right, down, left, respectively) indicating the path to take. For example, a possible solution to the above example grid is the following path: ``` LLLDURRRUDRRURR ``` When Lambda-Man is instructed to move into a square containing a wall, nothing happens and the instruction is skipped. Your solution may consist of at most `1,000,000` characters. The following levels are available: * [lambdaman1] * [lambdaman2] * [lambdaman3] * [lambdaman4] * [lambdaman5] * [lambdaman6] * [lambdaman7] * [lambdaman8] * [lambdaman9] * [lambdaman10] * [lambdaman11] * [lambdaman12] * [lambdaman13] * [lambdaman14] * [lambdaman15] * [lambdaman16] * [lambdaman17] * [lambdaman18] * [lambdaman19] * [lambdaman20] * [lambdaman21] To submit a solution, send an ICFP expression that evaluates to: ``` solve lambdamanX path ``` Your score is number of bytes that the ICFP expressions consists of (i.e. the size of the POST body), so a lower score is better.